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Magical Portfolio for your dream job

Create a "Magical Portfolio" that will make your dreams come true.

Generally speaking, a resume is a form item where you enter your personal information, education, and work history. And what are your favorite subjects? What are your hobbies? What are your strengths? Why do you want to go to Japan? and so on, followed by abstract questions that lead to similar answers among candidates.

For example
Q: What are you good at? A: Basketball and dancing
Q: What are your strengths? A: Working hard.
Q: What are your weaknesses? A: None in particular.

Answering these questions alone will not differentiate you from other candidates.

I have seen many Japanese employers make hiring decisions based on the type of people they hire in the hiring interview process. The president of the hiring company and the HR manager are, of course, not AI or robots, but human beings. They evaluate the humanity of candidates and decide whether to hire them or not. Education and career history are some of the determining factors, but what they focus on is the candidate's humanity. (Of course, age and career are also helpful.)

So, what kind of person is chosen for a hiring interview?

  1. A person who knows and can explain himself/herself objectively.

  2. A person who can think carefully about his/her dreams and hopes and tell them like a story.

Simply put, a person who is like the above, but it is not easy for anyone to do. Therefore, we have built a system that allows you to do the above.

You enter your personal data and upload not only text but also images and videos of your favorite photos and videos, favorite music and artists, things you would like to try if you visit Japan, places you would like to visit, and challenges you would like to take on. By doing so, you will create your own "Magical Portfolio" in the world. With this  "Magical Portfolio," you will be able to tell others more about yourself.

"Magical Portfolio."

Create a "Magical Portfolio" and you will automatically be included in FJL's database of job seekers for Japanese companies. A resume with a great portfolio will likely catch the attention of hiring managers. You can use the system to promote yourself while you study Japanese. Self-promotion will be the trend from now on, not just waiting for job interview opportunities. Create a magic portfolio, promote yourself, and look for job interview opportunities.

How to

Step 01 / Resume

First, fill out the form below with your basic personal information, education, and work history.
The text you enter will become your resume, so please fill it out carefully and accurately.

Step 02 / Portfolio

Next, upload a photo of yourself or your favorite photo.
Various questions will be prepared to elicit your personality and individuality, so please answer them carefully.
Please answer in English or Tagalog.

Step 03

Once you have completed the form, please allow 3 days to a week for us to translate it into Japanese and proofread it. The URL of the completed portfolio will be sent to your registered e-mail address.

Step 01
Create your profile

Step 01

Basic Personal Information

Step 02
Create your portfolio





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